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Why Should I Use A Furry Dating Service?

Finding love in the 21st century feels like it’s getting harder day by day, meeting new people is becoming less and less common as online dating has eliminated the need to even do so, social anxiety is at an all time high and the world is ending, but hey that’s not what we’re here for. Dating is even harder for furries as, believe it or not, a lot of people aren’t super accepting of the fandom meaning that a lot of furries end up just dating other furries to save them the trouble of essentially coming out as a furry to their partner.

So, with the introduction of furry dating services in the past few years, finding love for furries has become so much easier that it’s hard to imagine trying to date without it.

Is It The Same As All Online Dating

A lot of the following services operate on the same basis as pretty much any dating site and that is you see a profile of a person that you like, you send them a like and if they like you back, well, you just found yourself a match. Of course this has been adapted in the modern-day into an addictive swipe-fest that suckers you out of all of your money on infinite swipes, increased match chances and super likes galore. However, furry dating services seem less predatory than a lot of the biggest dating sites right now.

So, without further ado let’s get into the list!

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From fursuit commissions to art commissions, Fursonafy has your back

Let’s kick this off with Furfling. We’re going to get this out of the way now if it wasn’t already obvious but all users must be 18 or over to use this or any other service on the list below. With that aside, if you’ve looked into furry dating before, there’s a good chance you’ve heard of considering its launch in 2012. As of 2018 it had around 125,000 active users which may not sound like a lot for a dating service, but when you consider how small and niche the furry community is already, it’s no surprise that the membership is so small.

While they may not be as sleek as most modern dating services, they compensate for this with functionality and accessibility. Furfling offers its users a search function, a private messaging area, a contact organizer, a “wink” system which works like super likes on most dating services and a plethora of other features.

Ferzu Banner Art

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Ferzu is an awesome service for those of you looking to find love on the go. While they also have a web app, its mobile app is where it truly shines. Ferzu is one of the newer furry dating services starting in 2017 out there so it’s definitely worth a look. For one it’s got a thriving community making finding profiles is no challenge at all. It also rocks that sleek modern dating service look, making navigation and usability completely fluid. But its web app isn’t half-bad either, it seems to be more catered for the messaging side of things although, this is no problem at all as it is still great anyway.

Reddit Logo

Image by Reddit

This one is kind of cheating but we’re going to use it because reliable furry dating services are few and far between. So, if the prior two services don’t tickle your fancy very much, you could definitely check out this subreddit. It works like this, you make a post, almost like a profile, explaining a little bit about yourself, your fursona, your dating situation and what you’re looking for in terms of dating. Then, you sit with your fingers crossed that someone replies. You have to remember that this is a little bit more saturated or rather overwhelming than most furry dating services as rather than presenting you with one option at a time, you have a whole wall of options placed in front of you that you have to skim through. So, chances are you won’t get a reply for days sometimes weeks, but when you do, there’s a good chance that something can come of it.

Of course users should be a lot more cautious when using Reddit as a means of meeting people as that is not what Reddit is designed for and therefore catfishing and users with malicious intent can use the site with little to no moderation.

What To Avoid In Furry Dating

A lot of these rules will apply to general dating but it’s important that you stay safe when meeting up with people you meet on the internet. For one, if you are skeptical of somebody’s profile and you just don’t quite buy who they are you can simply reverse image search whatever picture they are claiming to be themselves and that should somewhat answer your question as to who this person really is.

Also, if you’ve watched any furry video on YouTube (and I mean any, these guys literally take up all of the ad space on the furry side of Youtube) there’s a good chance you’ve heard of FurryMate which as you might have noticed we didn’t feature on this list. That’s because FurryMate is a bit of a shady service in the sense that it allegedly uses bot replies to lure its users into repeat memberships which will automatically activate if you don’t cancel your trial subscription. For more information on it we highly recommend you check out this video which breaks it all down.

The reason this list is so scarce is because furry dating sites for some reason have a history of slipping into some sort of controversy and inevitably getting taken down or shutting themselves down., one of the biggest furry dating sites at one point ended up shutting down in 2018 due to some sex trafficking act. Not to mention other services like Howlr shutting down literally this year following a controversy with the owner.

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Xege Kheiru

Jennifer is an ex-costume designer turned fursuit maker, better known by her fursona's name Xege Kheiru. Under this alias she has written extensively for the Fursonafy blog and many others on the topic of fursuit making and general information about the furry fandom.

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